A key feature of the BullCharts window and operations is the BullCharts Control Panel (pictured at right) which includes access to six key functions: Security Manager, BullScan Manager Search Layer Manager Workspace Manager Layer Manager. About Control Panel etc These six functions are accessed using the tabs across the bottom […]
ASX Share Market Game – for realistic testing / paper trading
One way to test out your share trading strategy is to participate in the twice-yearly, 15-week share market game that is hosted by the ASX. This KB article explains a little bit about this game, how and why to play it, and how BullCharts users can collaborate in the game […]
BullCharts File Types
There are a number of different types of data files used within the BullCharts system, as listed below. Most BullCharts users will not have to worry about these for everyday use of BullCharts; but it can be useful to know which is which when sending, or receiving, custom scans and […]
View NewsWatch
This BullCharts feature will display a list of recent news announcements for all securities in a specific watchlist, as shown in the screenshot sample below. For any given watchlist, simply right-click on the watchlist name (in the above example, this is “Banks” and select “View NewsWatch” from the drop-down menu. […]
Watchlist Report Window
BullCharts software includes a feature whereby you can see a list of all of your watchlists in which a particular stock is listed. For example, let’s say you have CBA listed in several of your watchlists, but you are not sure which watchlists. So, you want to see a list […]
How to insert security using: (a) Drag and Drop and (b) Add Symbols to Chart
Another BullCharts KB article talks about how to “Insert Security”, using the menu option and/or the keyboard shortcut in order to add one or more securities to a price plot (see that KB article here). However, there are two other ways to insert another price plot into the current one […]
How to Insert Security
There are situations where you might want to “insert a security” to an existing price chart. That is, for example, you might have a price chart of a bank (eg. CBA) and you want to add in a price plot of one or more of its competitor banks. The resulting […]
Fundamentals in BullCharts and the Fundamental Report (indicator)
About the BullCharts Fundamental Report There are several fundamental data items available within the standard BullCharts database. The screenshot below shows a price chart of CBA with the Dividend Vertical Lines indicator (the vertical dotted lines), and the “CBA Daily Fundamental Report”, showing the 20 or so fundamental data items […]
Colour watchlist entries
How to colour the entries in a watchlist One of the key features in BullCharts is to colour an entry in a watchlist, as shown in the example in the adjacent screenshot. This simple watchlist has just the four main banks, and each entry in the watchlist has been coloured […]
Market Depth screen – How to understand it (including Balance of Power scan)
BullCharts software is a charting and technical analysis system. Even though it is not a trading platform with buy and sell features (that is, you can’t trade shares from within BullCharts), it does include a market depth screen, much like your online broker’s market depth view. The market depth view […]