CHAPTER 34: World Markets

World Markets

You are able to chart data for US stocks, World currencies and World Indices. This feature is only available as charts and not available to scan on.

US Stocks

US stocks can be accessed by prefixing the stock with US.stock code. For example US.MSFT is the stock code for Microsoft.

World Currencies

The format is $. as a prefix then the relevant currency. Cross rates are possible by combining any two currencies in the preferred order. For example, it is possible to display $.USDAUD or $.AUDUSD by simply reversing the symbols. It is also possible to combine any currency, for example $.EURTHB or $.GBPHKD.

The format is High, Low, Close. (No volume)

$.AUDUSD Australian Dollar to US Dollar
$.AUDEUR Australian Dollar to Euro
$.USDAUD US Dollar to Australian Dollar
$.USDCHF US Dollar to Swiss Franc
$.USDCNY US Dollar to Chinese Renmimbi Yuan
$.USDDEM US Dollar to German Deutsche Mark
$.USDEUR US Dollar to Euro
$.USDGBP US Dollar to Great Britain Pound
$.USDHKD US Dollar to Hong Kong Dollar
$.USDIDR US Dollar to Indonesian Rupiah
$.USDJPY US Dollar to Japanese Yen
$.USDMYR US Dollar to Malaysian Ringgit
$.USDNZD US Dollar to New Zealand Dollar
$.USDPHP US Dollar to Philippine Peso
$.USDSGD US Dollar to Singapore Dollar
$.USDTHB US Dollar to Thai Baht
$.USDTWD US Dollar to Taiwanese NT Dollar

World Indices

US.^RUT Russell 2000
US.^CAC40 France CAC 40
US.^STI Singapore Straight Times
US.OMALKLSE Malaysia KLSE Composite
US.OTHABKS Thailand Bangkok SET
US.^SPSU USA Standard and Poor’s Composite
US.^NZ50 New Zealand CAP 50
US.^DAX German DAX
US.^NYA USA NYSE Composite
US.^DJI USA Dow Jones Industrials
US.^NI225 Japan Nikkei (Nikkei 225)
US.^HSI Hong Kong Hang Seng Bank
US.^SPX S&P 500

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