Metastock: Installing, registering and using MetaStock 15 and 16

1. After the Metastock 15/16 order is placed and you have received your confirmation and login emails please go to and click on My Account the select Login (see image below)

2. Once the Login screen appears enter your registered email address in the “New to and follow the on screen prompts to set a password.












3. Once a Password has been set and you have successfully logged in to the site please open another webpage tab and go to  You will need to organize and pay for the required annual Metastock Maintenance fee (see image below)

Please note: it is critical that you store all user id’s and password’s used to access MetaStock products as Paritech does not have access to these details.

4. Once the Maintenance fee has been paid for you will receive an email from containing two important items:
a. Refinitive/DataLink Maintenance ID
b. Refinitive/DataLink Maintenance Password
You will need both sets of user details to allow Metastock 15/16 to start.

5. Next go back to and follow steps 1 to 5 on your ?My Downloads? page. You will note that the required DataLink user details will also be present here ( see Step 5 in image below) Note you must complete step 2 “First Time Login Process” (see image below) ….if you do not you will not be able to start MetaStock 15/16.

6. If at any point you are unable to proceed please use the “Support Chat” facility on your “My Downloads” page as highlighted at the bottom left hand corner in image above to talk directly to the Metastock people and they will be able to resolve any Metastock 15 issues.

7. Once you have successfully downloaded, installed and registered Metastock 15 go to your ?Start Menu? button scroll down to the ?Thomson Reuters? folder open it and select “MetaStock” ( see image below)

8. The initial Metastock 15/16 screen will appear.

9. Followed by the Thomson Reuters login screen. Please enter you registered User ID (normally your email address) and Password which you would have created when you logged in to

10. The next window to appear will be the DataLink login screen – please keep in mind if you have not paid the $10.00 Maintenance fee you will not have received the DataLink Maintenance ID and the DataLink Maintenance Password (see step 3 above). If you have these detail please enter and click ?Login?

11. MetaStock will now appear on your screen.

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