Donchian Channel in BullCharts – What works for me

Donchian Channel - DavidW's customisations
Donchian Channel – David Woodside’s customisations

This 28-minute video shows David Woodside’s customisation of the Donchian Channel technical analysis chart indicator in BullCharts, with explanations and descriptions and a Q&A session at the end.

In this session David explains some background about his charting preferences, and how he uses the charts and customises some indicators (eg. changed parameters).

Note that the price charts herein were captured in early March, after the market started tanking due to the Coronavirus fears. Nonetheless this presentation is a really good explanation of the Donchian Channel, and one way to customise and use it.

NOTE: This is for information and education only, and does NOT contain any advice, nor any recommendations, nor any guarantee that the material therein might be useful.

This 28 minute video was recorded during the Australian BullCharts User Group webinar on 25 March 2020.

View the 28-minute video now on YouTube:


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