
Overview, setup, installation and use of TradeSim with BullCharts

April 2020 important note: Back in 2018 we had feedback which led us to believe that the TradeSIm product was no longer available from, nor supported by, the original software supplier CompuVision. However, that situation has changed.

David at CompuVision now responds to email requests for new or refreshed license keys. So any user who has purchased TradeSim in the past, and who has moved the software to a different computer and who now needs a new license key, can email to the support email address on the CompuVision website and request one. (Remembering that the software license key is a very long string of characters that are derived from key details about the elements of your computer system. So that upgrading your computer in anyway will probably require a new key. This becomes apparent when you try to run TradeSim).

Robert Brain BullCharts User Group (BCUG)

The BCUG has looked at, and demonstrated, TradeSim couple of times in recent years (June 2018, and April 2020). Robert prepared a set of slides to provide an overview of how BullCharts and TradeSim work together, and how to install TradeSim and create a TradeSim scan and run back testing using the TradeSim. Links to these materials are included below.

Notes on Tradesim

TradeSim Introduction 1 – A 2-page document that provides an introduction to the TradeSim product.

TradeSim Introduction – Slide Set– The set of 33 PowerPoint slides that Robert prepared for the October 2016 presentation, updated for presenting in June 2018. These slides explain the process of creating a BullCharts (TradeSim) scan, and running the scan and reviewing the TradeSim simulation results. There is also a recording of this presentation on YouTube (see below).

TradeSim Installation – A 4-page document entitled “TradeSim – installation and execution” provides an overview of how to install and run TradeSim.

TradeSim Case Study MA Cross-over – A set of 31 PowerPoint slides that provides a very brief introduction to TradeSim, and then steps though a case study example using the Moving Average cross-over strategy.

TradeSim Introduction – YouTube video of the slide presentation.




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