BullSignal2 Overview
BullSignal provides access to data from the Australian Securities Exchange in a simple and quick to develop push feed. The format is a simple comma separated file accessible by Telnet. Suitable for websites, database and application solutions.
Service Overview
Summary Service provides intraday updates to on-market daily totals such as open,high,low,last price and volume.
Tag Rules
• The order of Tags is not fixed.
• The Tag is not limited to just one character. We may introduce different Tag types with more than one character.
• Tags may be alphanumeric.
• Not all Tags will appear in a record. Only relevant Tags will be sent.
• The number of Tags is not fixed. The format may be extended to include additional information.
Summary Service.
The summary service is a read only service that provides summarised pricing information relating to changes in quantities such as open, high, low and last price. This service provides data from the following markets: Equities, indices, warrants, stock and indices derivatives and interest rate markets.
It only provides data for stocks that have traded that day. You will need to keep a history of stocks that did not trade that day as a backup if you need to recover your database at a later time.
Sample Format
Not all records will have all tags as the feed only disseminates changes.
This service provides only the changes since the last update, so receiving tags other than ‘S’ (symbol) is not mandatory. In other words, it would be considered quite normal to receive only the cumulative volume, quantity and time of trade if the latest trade was the same price as the most recent update.
Each socket connection initiates a dump of the current snapshot of all active (i.e traded today) securities in the market. A current market picture can be created by applying all changes to the snapshot. It is important to understand that if a security has not traded today it will not be found in the snapshot (but will appear in an update if it trades later). You will need to recovery any past history for stocks that did not trade from your backups.