BullCharts Terms and Conditions

Limited Liability

WebLink Systems Pty Ltd provides a charting and data services only. It is not intended as investment advice and must not be relied upon as such. You should obtain professional investment advice tailored to your specific circumstances prior to making any investment decisions. You should also consult with a broker to verify pricing before conducting any securities trading.

WebLink Systems Pty Ltd nor the Suppliers nor their directors or employees make any representation or warranty as to the timeliness, reliability, accuracy or completeness of the material, nor do they accept any responsibility arising in any way for errors in, or omissions from, that material.

Number of installation per registered user

BullCharts can be installed on two computers under our Fair Go policy. This allows a user to have one installation on a desktop  and another on a laptop when travelling for example. Only the registered user can use BullCharts.  Sharing of accounts is not allowed.  An additional licence is needed per user.


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